Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 8: Los Angles, CA

We got up and packed our bags, and by 10am were on the road to LA. We got to Thousand Oaks before Adam’s sister, Jacque, got off work, so we hung out at a mall near her house. I’d never been to a Cost Plus, so we walked around in there. They had a lot of neat things that kind of reminded me of a Pier One.

Jacque met us at her house, then we got in her car and went to her friend, Kelly’s, house to pick up Addison. (Kelly is a fifth grade teacher, so in the summer she picks up Addy from daycare and hangs out with her in the afternoon.) After visiting with Kelly for a little while, we headed to Target to pick up some diapers and stuff. Then it was back to Jacque’s.

We didn’t really do too much that day, but Jacque had made a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner that was delicious. We slept in Addy’s room on the Murphy bed, and Addy slept in Jacque’s room in her play pen. (Apparently the people that lived here before them had three kids, two slept on the Murphy bed, and the other was in a crib.)

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