Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Consult at Comprehensive

I just realized that I never did a post about our consult at Comprehensive Healthcare for Women with Dr. Sam Arnold. So here's the gist of the consult...

He was very, very supportive about our choice to do a VBAC, and had us sign some paperwork that we had talked about the risks and benefits of VBAC'ing. He said that at this point, we would have to have her at St. John's in Maplewood, but with Woodwinds changing their policy, we very well may be able to go there instead. They prefer going to Woodwinds, as it is much closer for them, and I think they're more familiar with the hospital, since they go there more often. He said that by my next appointment, they should have a better idea of if it is an option or not.

He checked the growth of my uterus (right on track), and offered me a 20-week ultrasound. But, I told him that MN Perinatal was taking care of all of our ultrasounds. I told him that we would have them send the results there instead of Woodwinds.

That was pretty much it in a nutshell!

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