Friday, March 11, 2011

"Lord, Make Me a Rainbow..."

"... I'll shine down on my mother, she'll know I'm safe with you when she stands under my colors."
-If I Die Young by The Band Perry

 This song came out (or at least I heard it for the first time) shortly after Danni died. It always made me cry, especially this line of the song. It seemed to be a big hit right about then, and was played on the radio quite a bit. So, of course, I cried quite a bit when it came on.

I hadn't heard it in a while, but it came on the radio on my way into school. I don't think I'd heard it on the radio since I'd heard the term Rainbow Baby, so I didn't put two-and-two together until now. This time when I was listening to it, I still teared up, but it was different this time. Danni asked God to send us her little sister. She's shining down on us, sending us hope, and I know she's safe with God in heaven. It's still hard to think that she's not here with us shining the joy that babies bring into their parents' life. But it's what she can give us, and we love her for it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

Beautifully stated from the heart.