Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Add Two More to the List...

Well, we've told two more people. I was talking to Jacque on Sunday about her wedding, bachelorette party, and shower, and it was hard to not tell her. She kept bringing up other women, and then saying, but she's pregnant. So I wrote down on a piece of paper "Can we tell Jacque?" and showed it to Adam while I was talking to her. Adam said yes, but he wanted to tell her. So I handed him the phone. Jacque was happy for us, and even said that if there was another dress that worked better around a pregnant belly, that I could get it instead.

Yesterday at work, I also ended up telling my administrator. I had asked about the budget-job situation, and he said we wouldn't know until June or July if our jobs would be there, and then we'd have to re-apply. He said it might even just be part time. I told him I was pregnant and due in August, and I know it's going to be difficult to interview. He & his wife lost their first set of twins at 18 weeks, and so he kind of has an idea of how this second one is a joy, but it's also very scary. I told him we are waiting as long as we possibly can to tell people, and he said he understands, and would not even tell his boss until I let him know. I told him we have a ultrasound on Friday (after conferences) to find out if the baby is healthy, and he asked if I could let him know how it went.

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