Monday, July 30, 2012

First Appointment!

Originally written June 3, 2012

We had our first appointment on Wednesday with the nurse practitioner, Aimee Neumann. While we waited for her to come in, the nurse turned on a video that has a message for each appointment of your pregnancy to "entertain" you while you wait. It was informative, but I knew pretty much all of it from the first time around. Once Aimee came in, she went over my medical history (which they pretty much had from Nora), and what I should expect for appointments. They needed to do a blood draw (should be the only one until the glucose test around 28 weeks), so I let her know that they should probably come here instead of sending me to the lab, as I do better laying down.

Of course before Aimee left, she gave me my first Pampered Pregnancy gift! In a little green reusable bag was the book, Your Pregnancy and Childbirth: Month to Month 5th Edition from the American College or OB/GYN. (I have a couple books that I read with both the girls, and since I've read them twice, figured I just wouldn't read anything this time around, but since they gave it to me, it will be nice to have something new to read.) It also contained a Food Safety for Pregnant Women booklet, and a Pregnancy Handbook with the clinics information, safe medications to take, and other helpful information. (I think every pregnant women should get these two things, regardless of whether it's a "pampered pregnancy" or not.) The other two things in the bag were Preggie Pop Drops and a certificate for a 1/2 hour massage during the first trimester. I haven't used the Preggie Pops since I haven't really had morning sickness with this one, but I can't wait to book my massage! I loved the one I had with Nora during the third trimester.

On another note, I have decided that until further notice, the baby shall be referred to as "Third" or "Ender." Adam's all time favorite book is called Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. (It's a good book, I've read it too.) The main character, Ender, is the third child, and in their world, being a "third" isn't necessarily a good thing, until Ender comes along and... well, I won't spoil it for you! You'll have to read it. But I thought Adam would get a kick out of it, if we referred to the baby as Ender for now.

How far along?: 8 weeks (tomorrow starts month 3!)
Total weight gain/loss: I got officially weighted at the doctor's office on Wednesday, so we'll start from there. With both girls I lost weight during the first trimester. This time around, I'm still nursing Nora, and I think I'm maintaining pretty well! Go me!
The Bump: Still nothing, thankfully!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: We have our second appointment, and first ultrasound on Thursday. I guess they like to do an early ultrasound for dating purposes, to make sure there's just one in there, and to make sure the baby is still thriving (they said alive, but that sounds scary to me, so we're going with thriving... less scary.)
Maternity Clothes: Well, I put on a pair of "comfy pants" today that my mom bought me after my c-section with Danielle, but they're not maternity. Most of my regular clothes are a little big on me since I've lost weight while breastfeeding Nora. So these comfy pants stay up and don't show off my underwear!
Symptoms: I think it was a cold that I had the last week or so. I'm feeling better from that, and haven't really had any morning sickness. I thought I had it good with both the girls, but with this one, I often forget I'm even pregnant (I'm sure that won't last!).
Belly Button in or out?: It's still half-out...
Food Cravings/Aversions: I still want movie theater popcorn, and haven't even had microwavable. We're going to my parents for dinner tonight, and I think I might request air-popped popcorn for dessert. It doesn't sound quite as appealing as it did at the theater, but we'll see.
What I miss: With Nora teething, and starting to fight naps, I'm finding I miss sleep, especially when I need it the most, in the first trimester!
Milestones: The baby had fingers & toes, but they're still webbed. In a couple days, baby will start moving his/her limbs (apparently its supposed to be visible on ultrasound... we'll have to see on Thursday!)

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