Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nathaniel's Birth Plan

With Danielle's c-section, I did a lot of research before and while writing my birth plan for her. Since I had already been though it once, and had learned much more about birth, I had a much better idea of how I wanted this birth to go. One thing that helped me write my birth plan this time was a video that my friend & doula from Nora's birth, Ashley of Gaia Birth, about a "Natural Cesarean." If you are having a c-section, I highly recommend watching it, and using it to help you write your birth plan. You might not want to use everything you see in the video (like I didn't want the drape dropped to see him being born, but I did want pictures to look at later), and some hospitals might not let you do everything, but it's worth asking!

We request informed consent for both Sarah and our son, Nathaniel.

For Sarah’s Prep & Surgery:
ü  IV’s in left arm/ hand (numb area before IV goes in)
ü  IV should be placed so the loop is above my knuckles
ü  Adam does NOT leave my side as soon as the IV’s are put in
ü  Adam will be in the OR when the spinal is done
ü  Low transverse incision (want a VBAC again with rest of children)
o   If he is not in the optimal position for a low horizontal incision, attempt to move him (We will not consent to a vertical incision)
ü  Do NOT want arms strapped down
ü  No sedatives after he is delivered

For Nathaniel’s Birth:
ü  Would like to know when he is starting to be pulled out, and when he is all the way out
ü  We will wait with all new born procedures and assessments (weight, length, eye ointment, etc.)
ü  Want him given to Adam and I right away and try breast feeding while in the OR
ü  If he needs immediate medical attention, Adam will be with him
ü  Both Adam and the baby will stay with me the whole time (OR to recovery room and thereafter)

For Sarah’s Recovery:
ü  Spinals & epidurals work really well for me, and take longer than expected to wear off
ü  I don't move well by myself until well after the spinal has completely worn off
ü  I WILL need help moving and/or transferring beds, or I will throw up
ü  Would like the minimal amount of pain drugs to keep me comfortable

For Nathaniel:
ü  Adam and/ or I would like to give him his first bath
ü  We will be breastfeeding
o   Absolutely NO formula, water, or glucose water is to be offered or given to him
ü  We do not want our child offered a pacifier, we have some we might offer, if we feel he needs it

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